

Keeping chickens cool in the summer is essential to ensure their health and well-being. Chickens are sensitive to heat and can suffer from heat stress, which can be dangerous or even fatal. Where I live the summers are fairly moderate compared to a lot of other places in the United States however, we will get some pretty strong heat. I wanted to share with you some ways I like to help you keep my chickens cool during hot summer months!


Rather they free range, stay in their run, or both, you should ensure they have ample shady spots to find respite under.  Ensure that your chicken coop and outdoor run have ample shade by putting a tarp over their run, adding shade to the sides that receive extra heat on their coop, and providing trees and shrubs for them to hide under. Natural shade from trees or artificial shade structures like these, can help protect chickens from direct sunlight.


Proper ventilation in the chicken coop is crucial to allow hot air to escape and fresh air to circulate. I have two small holes for upper ventilation in my A-framed chicken coop to allow hot air to rise and escape away from the middle part of their coop where they like to roost, and the bottom where they like to lay. I have a small 2.5” by 2 foot window about face level when they are on their roost that allows a cross breeze to come in and circulate air. On really warm nights, I keep their windows open to further improve air movement and add an extra spot for cool air to come in during the night. There are some nights that simply do not cool off properly and they need that extra ventilation and cross breeze section. When the nights are much cooler, and in the fall and winter months, I shut the window doors to keep them from getting drafty and unable to stay warm.



You can set up fan(s) in the coop and/or run to promote air circulation and create a cooling breeze. In the coop, make sure to position the fans to avoid direct drafts on the chickens, as they are sensitive to sudden temperature changes. I like to zip tie a box fan to the side of my run and my chickens go over there for a cool breeze and will even dig holes to dust bathe and nap right in front of the fan. This allows them to stay cool even on the hottest of days.



Provide an abundant supply of fresh, cool water at all times. Add ice cubes to the water container to help keep it cooler for longer. On days where you see your chicken panting, you can put a small container of water with electrolytes in them to make sure they are staying well hydrated, especially if they look like they are starting to become distressed from the heat. I have a 2-gallon water container that I make sure has cool fresh water daily in it but on the extra hot days, I have a 1-gallon waterer that I put the proper amount of electrolytes in. The reason I add in the smaller container is because you have to be sure to change the electrolyte water out every 24 hours as old electrolytes can start to turn and be bad for your chicken. I prefer the Hydro Hen from Manna Pro works really well and lasts a really long time.



Occasionally misting or spraying water in the coop and run area can help cool down the environment. Especially if you do the area in front of the fan. You should try to avoid soaking the chickens or making the coop too wet, as excessive moisture can lead to other health issues but, they do enjoy some cooler walking spaces for their feet. Another option is to put up a fine misting mister system above them. Not enough to make things infinitely damp on the ground but enough to cool the air around them.



One of my favorite things to do is to offer frozen treats like watermelon, cucumber, or berries to my chickens. This not only helps cool them down but also provides them with a refreshing snack. When you have fruit that is a bit overripe and no one in your house wants to eat it, blend it up and pour it into ice cube trays and keep on hand to give them in the afternoons. I like to sometimes add in mint from my garden as the menthol in the mint plant keeps them cooled down as well. Grab a handful or so of fruit ice cubes out of the freezer, put them in a bowl and put a bit of cool water over them to get them started softening just a bit then set it out for your ladies.



Ensure that the chickens have access to a dust bath. Dust bathing helps them stay clean and cool, as it allows them to coat their feathers with fine dust, which absorbs excess oil and moisture. I always get a kick out of my chickens when they get all dusty then shake themselves out like a wet dog. They go from skinny dirty birds to super floofy fluffies that are much cooler and happier! Dust bathing is an important part of their daily routines year-round but especially in the warm and dry months, they need this to stay healthy and cool.



You should reduce stress and heat production by limiting activity during the hottest parts of the day. Chickens are less active in extreme heat, so provide resting spots with cooler surfaces is key to keeping them healthy and happy.  If you see their combs getting pale and extra floppy, or they are starting to pant, it’s time to pay extra attention to them to avoid heat sickness. Every heat and cold tolerance will depend on where you live and what breed of birds you have but generally speaking,  most backyard chickens can tolerate cold better than they can heat so make sure to keep an eye on them when those outside temps reach over 80-85 degrees.


It may seem like a lot but once you have a system down, it’s really easy to keep these ladies cool and happy. They need the same things humans and other animals do, rest, hydration, and a way to keep cool. Putting multiple things in place at the start of summer will help you stay stress free as well!

Check out the YouTube Video I did on keeping my ladies cool 🙂



I have a love-hate relationship with the summer. I hate the blazing heat, I sunburn easily, and it’s just SO uncomfortable. But for all the frustrations it can bring, I absolutely love gardens, ocean trips, sprinkler days, and the cool, yummy food that comes along with it. Summers are short here near the coast in the Pacific Northwest so, I try really hard to find all the lovely things there are about summer. I also try to be grateful I no longer live in southern Arizona since the heat and I don’t get along very well.

I have a small home apothecary that I try to keep stocked fully of delicious and helpful herbs from our garden. Some of my favorite herbs for the summer include mint for its cooling properties, yarrow and calendula for its ability to mend the scrapes and bruises that come with outside, summertime play, and the beautiful chamomile and lavender that blooms all summer long and helps my kiddos wind down from a long day of play, despite the fact the sun does not leave the sky fully until well after bedtime.

There is just something so special about tea. It can heal, it can uplift, it can calm, and it can simply be enjoyed just because it’s delicious. My favorite teas are herbal as I can share these with friends and children alike and most herbs are safe to ingest this way. Given that summers are still very hot here, I wanted to share three of my favorite ICED herbal teas you can drink to soothe and cool down you and your little ones during the hot summer months.

**As always herbs, in any form, should be carefully consumed if you are taking certain medication or have plant/weed allergies as sometimes they reside in the same family. Always check with your naturopath if you are uncertain.**


There are few ways you can steep your tea and make it into iced tea.

  1. You can pour very warm water over the herbs, like you would a hot tea, let it steep, then strain.
  2. You can put your herbs in water (half gallon jars works great for this!) and set out in the sun to steep for 12-24 hours
  3. You can put your herbs in cool water and put into the fridge to steep for 24 hours or more.

Make sure you compost those tea leaves back into your garden or compost pile!



Lemon Balm

Part of the mint family so is naturally refreshing, and as the name suggests, it gives a lemony flavor to the water. Lemon balm is also excellent as calming the nerves and staving off anxiety.


Lavender is a summer favorite. You only need a bit of this as it can have a very strong flavor. It complements anything from the mint family wonderfully and is also an herb that is useful at calming the mind and body.

This drink would be refreshing over ice with a bit of honey at the end of a long fun summer day!



Tulsi/Holy Basil 

Part of the basil family, Tulsi has a sweet and lovely aroma that makes it perfect for warm tea in the fall and winter, but equally as lovely over ice in the summer. Tulsi can help regulate your nervous system as well as provide adaptogenic support. While you can add honey, I find Tulsi to be sweet on it’s own!


Probably one of the best known herbs, and one of the safest for all ages, chamomile is a beautiful tiny little flower grown during the spring and summer days. Most think of it as a relaxing night time tea but it is also quite delicious paired with Tulsi for a refreshing glass of herbal tea. 




This is an herb that packs a powerful punch in terms of flavor and color. This herb is a very vibrant pink color when you make it into a tea so it is beautiful over ice with some orange peel added. Hibiscus is rich in antioxidants and carries added benefit for your gut this summer, especially when we tend to eat too many sweets!


This delicious and zingy herb is a great addition to your hibiscus tea. It is also great for your gut and immune system and provides a great flavor over ice. Most people only think ginger is great in warm dishes but it is a refreshing treat as an iced tea.


While an iced herbal tea is refreshing in the summer, it makes an equally delicious popsicle. You can simply pour these into ice cube or popsicle trays and freeze them overnight to have as an on the go treat in the sun! You can also heat them up for a before bedtime snack as a way to calm and refresh your body.

I hope you are enjoying your summer days! Which recipe will you try?

Setting Slow Living Intentions on a Busy Urban Homestead

setting slow living intentions on a busy urban homestead

I find it heard to stay motivated to write as of late. Always busy, always on the move, and always thinking…over-thinking…about how things should be done. This pertains to my life, motherhood, partnership, and my blog. I started out with having a specific aesthetic in mind and lately I am finding it stifling. So many rules, so little time and patience. I started out with the intentions that my blog must make money, must follow a certain, quick path. What I am finding is that mentality is preventing me from wanting to share anything because I might not be able to make it fit. It’s leaving creativity to the side and inserting unattainable perfectionism in the void. I forget to find joy in the mundane and favor the busy. I am happy that I am slowly moving away from the need to be busy and to feel like I am not being productive. So what? Being productive 100% of the time is severely overrated, unhealthy, and I am missing the best moments of my life, while I am living them.

setting slow living intentions on a busy urban homestead

I am an advocate at heart and I love to educate as much as I love to be educated. I enjoy sharing information, I just don’t want it to be an algorithm-led, stale, cold type of information output. I want it to be genuine, authentic, and how I wish to express myself with my inner voice. Besides, if you can’t do something in a way that you love, why bother doing it at all?

Making a cup of peppermint tea

Do I still have to feed my family, break up fights between my kids, pay my bills, and clean house? Absolutely. But I am finding that I am telling myself to hurry up and slap dinner on the table, and hurry up and clean the house – ALL the way, and exasperated that my almost 9 year old and almost 6 year old are at it again, instead of taking my time to have a teaching moment. Part of it is my ADHD brain. It’s go-go or nothing at all. Mostly though, I think it’s the busy world butting its nose into my life a little too much and me getting caught up in the whirlwind that is life sometimes…but doesn’t have to be.

slowing down and enjoying a cup of tea

This week my kids are on spring break from schooling. I am finding it the perfect time to slow down and reflect on how I really want the ‘aesthetic’ of my life to look like. Do I want to be constantly busy and missing the moments I crave in my mind? Or would I rather shorten that to-do list and life more presently in the moment with myself and with my kids? I think I’ll be choosing the latter. The grass isn’t always greener, and who wants grass any way? Some people do, but I want clover and dandelions. I do not want the Joneses front yard, I want the weird cottage witch’s front yard where crows are welcomed, and children play. I want the beautiful life I have created for me and my family to be inspiring, not a checkbox.

Soil Blocking – A Sustainable and Efficient Way to Start Your Seeds

soil blocking a sustainable and efficient way to start your seeds

With Spring right around the corner, many of you might be getting ready to start your seeds. In the past I have always been a dump soil into whatever bucket I can get a hold of kind of person. This led to me over crowding my greenhouse with buckets and containers that I may or may not use to start my seeds in. It became too much for me to store when all I really wanted to do was fill up my greenhouse with plants, not plastic pots! Soil blocking is a great way to save time, money, and space. I tried it this year and I don’t think I will ever go back!

What is Soil Blocking?

Soil blocking is a method of starting seedlings or growing plants in which small blocks of soil are used instead of traditional pots or containers. Soil blocks are made using a special tool called a soil blocker, which compresses the soil into small cubes or blocks, and typically has a small divot, or dimple, on the top that pre-makes a spot for you to drop your seeds into.

An example of a 2"x2" soil blocker. This makes four blocks at one time.
An example of a 2″x2″ soil blocker. This makes four blocks at one time.

The advantage of soil blocking is that it allows for more efficient use of space, as the blocks can be arranged closely together without the need for extra container space. Additionally, soil blocking can help reduce transplant shock, as the plants can be transferred directly from the blocks to the soil without disturbing their root systems. Soil blocking also allows for roots to be air pruned which creates more roots, a stronger root system, and leads to less root bound plants.

Soil Blocking Saves You Money

Soil blocking can save you money on pots, soil, time, and storage space. My soil blocker is less than 10 inches long by 2 inches wide. All I need to make seedlings are this soil blocker and trays with lower sies to create a LOT of seed starts! I was able to fit 40 two inch by two inch seed starts on each tray you see here resulting in 240 seed starts total. I love the lunch trays because they are food grade plastic, take up very little space, and have a small lip so I can bottom water my soil blocks efficiently. I packed my soil blocks really close together so I didn’t waste any space. I spent $25 on 6 food grade lunch trays off Amazon (I would suggest looking local and used first), and was gifted my soil blocker for Christmas. If I were to purchase the soil blocker for myself, this specific brand (Ladbrooke made in the UK) goes for $45 on Amazon. You can find the soil blocker here and the trays I bought here. My total investment, if I bought them myself, would be about $70 and they will last me for years, if not decades. Plastic post can be reused but a very finite amount of times and can break down and crack. Even if you got 2/$1.25 at the dollar store, it would save you a tremendous amount of money!

Soil blocking uses a significantly less amount of soil than filling pots half way or more (unless you are using tiny plug pots), which further saves you money. Soil blockers come in even smaller soil block sizes for those extra tiny seeds which requires even less soil for more seeds, in less space! My biggest issue, solved by using the soil blocker, was space. I have a fairly small greenhouse where I start seeds and store equipment. I want to fill my greenhouse with plants and seed babies, not a bunch of pots I may or may not use!

It probably goes without saying that using a soil block might be a small learning curve but once you get the hang of it, being able to create four seed homes at one time instead of one, is a huge savings of time!

How do You Use a Soil Blocker?

Using a soil blocker is a simple process, but it requires some preparation and care to ensure the best results. Here are the basic steps:

Choose the right soil: The soil used for soil blocking should be light, fluffy, and free of large debris or rocks. You can use a seed starting mix or make your own by mixing equal parts of coco coir, vermiculite, and perlite. I typically use the yellow and purple bags of Kellogg Garden Organics local mix that says “Potting Mix”. On the back it says it is ideal for starting seeds and I find that it also does really well! I used to use a sterile mix because several of my seeds say to use that but, I found in inefficient and expensive in the long run.

Kellogg All Natural Potting Mix I use for my seed starts.
Kellogg All Natural Potting Mix I use for my seed starts.

Moisten the soil: The soil should be moist but not wet. Add water gradually and mix the soil until it has a consistency similar to that of a damp sponge. If you can squeeze some water out of it, you have enough. If it is like a soup mix, add more soil in. If it’s too crumbly and wont stay together when you squeeze some in your hand, then you need to add more water.

It's easier to mix in smaller batches in my opinion. I chose a small bucket I no longer use from the house to mix my soil block mixture.
It’s easier to mix in smaller batches in my opinion. I chose a small bucket I no longer use from the house to mix my soil block mixture.
It should hold together like this when you squeeze it together without falling apart.
It should hold together like this when you squeeze it together without falling apart.

Press the soil blocker into the soil: Place the soil blocker on the surface of the soil and press down firmly. Twist the blocker slightly to help release the soil block from the rest of the soil. I like to put mine into a bit pile of it and slide it towards me in the bucket to really compact a lot of soil into the squares.

Eject the soil block: Use the plunger or handle of the soil blocker to push the soil block out of the mold. You can do this by pressing down on the plunger with your thumb or tapping it gently on a hard surface. You should end up with uniformed tightly packed squares next to each other with a small divot in the top.

Four 2" x 2" soil blocks popped out with divots in the top for seeds.
Four 2″ x 2″ soil blocks popped out with divots in the top for seeds.

Repeat the process: Make as many soil blocks as you need, spacing them out on a flat surface. Then plant the seeds in the small indentation in the top of each soil block. Plant one or two seeds in each indentation and cover with a thin layer of soil or vermiculite.

Care for the seedlings: Keep the soil blocks moist but not waterlogged, and provide them with adequate light and warmth. I water with warm (not hot) water on the sides of my trays and they seep right into the bottoms of the soil blocks for bottom watering. If I find my tops getting dry, I will mist them liberally or I will water them with my watering can lightly. If the blocks get too dry they will crumble apart and if they get super soggy they might also start to fall apart. Once the seedlings are established, they can be transplanted directly into the garden or into larger containers. With the 2″ x 2″ I do not find the need to up-pot them to a larger area, only their final destination when they are big enough!

Forty soil blocks in food trays. I bottom water by watering the tray on the side trenches.

As always, don’t forget to label your plants!

I like to label mine with a sharpie and these plastic reusable label stakes.
I like to label mine with a sharpie and these plastic reusable label stakes.

The Winter Gardener – A Time for Reflection & Education

winter gardener urban family homestead apothecary

While I didn’t get my act together last fall for a prolific winter garden, I did deep dive into research for the upcoming year. Garden Season 2023 has a resolution of becoming a year round garden and I was determined to actually make this happen. I decided I needed to start with an early spring garden by indoor and greenhouse sowing starting in February. In order to do this, I needed to research how exactly I was going to do this successfully.

winter gardener urban family homestead apothecary

Good Intentions

If you’re like me and you had all the good intentions of starting in the fall for a winter / year-round garden, don’t beat yourself up. Gardening is a process and sometimes things don’t go as planned. I made it a goal to move forward and start now (February) on what I can do to prepare my soil, which seeds I can start, how I would go about that. A lot of this requires reading, research, and list making to focus my efforts moving forward. Like me, you can consider why you were unable to winter garden this year and make a plan to address those factors in the future. For me, back to school season is hectic and still really warm outside. Next up are the holidays which are even more time consuming. Maybe you can make small changes such as reorganizing your schedule or setting more realistic goals. Remember that every year is a new opportunity to get back on track and achieve your gardening goals. For me personally, I decided that I was going to carve out one hour each weekend day and 30 minutes each week day during these times when my schedule seems scrunched, to tackle things in bite sized pieces in order to be more successful.

Using resources from seed companies such as Territorial can help you know when to plant which veggies for your area!
Using resources from seed companies such as Territorial can help you know when to plant which veggies for your area!

Reflection and Reading

Reflecting on past gardening seasons and reading up on best practices can help you prepare for the spring gardening season. This allows you to learn from your past experiences and make improvements, as well as stay updated on the latest techniques and products available. Additionally, it can also give you a head start on planning and organizing your garden so that you can hit the ground running when spring arrives.

This is probably my favorite thing to do in winter when things in the garden have slowed down is to read and research. Each year for Christmas I have a list of garden books on my wish list and ones I enjoy rechecking out of the library. I like to follow the steps below during the winter in order to organize and educate myself, to make the upcoming seasons as easy on myself as possible.

My current local library plus home collection I am deep diving into.
My current local library plus home collection I am deep diving into.

Planning Ahead

To plan ahead for the next garden season, you can follow these steps:

  1. Reflect on the past season: Think about what worked well and what didn’t in your garden this year. Take note of any issues you encountered and how you can avoid them in the future. I like to make mock ups of my garden spaces in Canva to help me keep track of crop rotation and what didn’t work as well last year…or what did!
  2. Research: Read up on gardening techniques, new plants and products that are available, and any changes in the local climate and pests. I love hitting up my local library for books on gardening for new techniques, or simply inspiration. I have been enjoying gardening books on square foot and vertical gardening, no till methods, companion planting, and how to best reintroduce nutrients into my soil. This year I have chickens so I want to make the most out of their manure!
  3. Make a plan: Decide what you want to grow, where you want to plant, and how much space you need for each plant. Make a list of the seeds and supplies you will need to get started. I really enjoy using Canva to create a template of my garden spaces and fill them in with graphics of the veggies and herbs I want to grow there.
  4. Prepare the soil: Fall and Winter is a great time to add organic matter and amend the soil to get it ready for spring planting. I really enjoy the ‘chop and drop’ method for helping my soil over the cold months when I am not gardening as much. I like to chop my died back veggie stems and leaves at the soil level and leave them there to then later cover with compost and more soil. This gives nutrients back to the soil all winter long so your beds are nutrient dense by spring.
  5. Organize your space: Clean up and reorganize your garden tools and supplies so that you are ready to start gardening as soon as the weather permits. It’s always good to re-evaluate how you want to grow your garden and what tools you will need. You also want to make sure your tools are in good working order before the season comes.
  6. Order seeds and supplies: Order your seeds and supplies early to ensure that you have everything you need when spring arrives. Sometimes during the height of the seed buying and planting season it can take 2-3 weeks or more for your seeds to arrive due to high demand. You can always buy in person but you will likely pay higher prices and it can also be a game of hit and miss on what is available that you are looking for. When you order online, you are supporting small businesses with a focus on biodiversity and there is a ton more variety! I love experimenting and introducing new varieties of veggies into my garden other than the ‘regular stuff’ found in grocery stores.
Seed organization with photo organizer case.
Seed organization with photo organizer case.
Inside one of the organizers within the case. I am housing my greens in here such as romaine, arugula, kale, butterhead, and red leaf lettuce varieties.
Inside one of the organizers within the case. I am housing my greens in here such as romaine, arugula, kale, butterhead, and red leaf lettuce varieties.

By taking these steps, you can prepare your garden space for the next growing season and ensure that you have a productive and enjoyable gardening experience. Also, if you are like me and you are craving the planting and growing season, reading about it and gaining inspiration can be a great way to hold you over until it’s time to plant again, while still benefiting your garden.

Happy Planning!

All About Mullein – (UFHA Herb Series)

all about mullein urban family homestead and apothecary

This week in Urban Family Homestead and Apothecary Herb series, we will explore the soft and beautiful herb Mullein. She is a useful, fuzzy herb that will help you out in a pinch whenever you feel a cold coming on. This plant gives off beautiful flowers in the summer and tolerates most growing conditions. Some types even tolerate a light frost!

all about mullein urban family homestead and apothecary

Mullein (Verbascum spp.) is a genus of flowering plants in the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). It is native to Europe, Asia and Africa, and has been introduced to other regions. They are known for their tall pillars of yellow or white flowers and are often used in traditional medicine for their medicinal properties. The leaves and flowers of the plant are used to make teas, tinctures, extracts, and ointments.

Mullein Medicinal Uses

Mullein has been traditionally used for various medicinal purposes, such as respiratory issues, skin irritations, earaches, insomnia, and headaches. With respiratory issues, Mullein tea or tincture made from leaves and flowers is my favorite way to treat respiratory issues such as coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. Mullein can be used in ointments to soothe and heal skin irritations such as wounds, burns, and rashes, and is even helpful for the soothing of eczema. When my little ones have an earache, I use Mullein oil (usually infused with garlic oil) as a way to treat earaches. I simply warm a few drops and apply it to the affected ear.

dried mullein leaf urban family homestead and apothecary
Dried Mullein Leaf

Mullein tea can also be used as a natural remedy for insomnia, as it is believed to promote relaxation and sleep. Also due to its ability to relax and soothe, Mullein tea is used as a natural remedy for headaches, as it is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body. As always, be sure to consult your naturopath before using mullein to double check for interactions with medicine you already take, and proper dosing for your specific body and needs.

How to Take Mullein

As mentioned above, a great way to take Mullein is through several different modalities including teas, extracts, tinctures, and oil infusions. Depending on your specific need will depend on what modality is best. Teas are best for respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, and chest viruses. Extracts are great for little ones who need a quick dose of mullein. Tinctures are often favored by adults and for medicine on the go as it lasts for several years and can be added to hot water for a quick tea. Oil infusions are my favorite for earaches. My favorite way to make an oil infusion is to place it in olive oil along with garlic and let it infuse over time. If you need it quicker, you can always use the double boiler method to quicker extract the plant material faster into the oil.

mullein tea urban family homestead and apothecary
Mullein Tea

Growing Mullein

Mullein is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that can be grown in a variety of conditions. You can find it growing best in zones 3-9. It loves to bloom in the summer time after a spring or fall planting. It particularly loves the full sun, but will do well also in partial shade as long as it is in well draining soil. Although Mullein is a drought tolerant herb, watering it regularly will promote the best growth. Fertilizing it once per month (my favorite is with worm castings solution) will keep it healthy.

Mullein plant. You can see the bud for the flowers in the center surrounded by soft, fuzzy leaves.

If you want to promote a bushier plant, pinch back the tips of the plant to promote a lot more growth. You can harvest often from the Mullein plant. I like to cut leaves consistently through the season (while leaving 3/4 to 1/2 of the plant still) and dry the leaves in the sun for future tea and extract making. You can also harvest the flowers when the pillars start to grow for tea. While you can grow Mullein easily from seed, you can also propagate through divisions or cuttings.

My baby Mullein making its way through freezing 20 degree temps.
My baby Mullein making its way through freezing 20 degree temps.

Mullein can grow up to seven feet tall and get as wide as 30 inches. A lot of people like to grow them in a confined area of the yard or in large pots because they can be somewhat invasive in some areas. This plant is a biennial which means that this plant can take up to two years to reach it’s full maturity before dying. While this plant does grow in the wild, many gardeners love it for it’s extremely soft leaves, beautiful flowers, and useful medicinal properties.


Garlic and Mullein Oil Infusion for Earaches

4 TBSP chopped garlic (fresh is best, no seasonings if you buy pre-minced)
4 TBSP chopped mullein (dried or fresh is fine)
Olive Oil (you can use other oil such as avocado or coconut)
Glass jar with dropper

Place a pot of water, filled 2-3 inches, on the stove and bring to a low rolling boil. While the water is starting to get hot, place the garlic and mullein in the mason jar. Fill the mason jar until you have covered the plant material plus 1-2″ (I prefer 2″). Bring the water to a low simmer and place the jar in the middle of the pot. Let simmer for about an hour and a half. You will notice that the oil will begin to darken.

Alternatively, you can do this in a slow cooker with the mason jar in a few inches of water and on the low setting for a few hours.

After the hour and a half is up, turn off the stove and let cool. Strain the plant material from the oil and keep the oil. Compost the plant material and you can add the oil to an amber bottle with a dropper. Store any remaining oil in a jar with a lid on tight. It can sit on the counter or storage shelf.

To Use:
Place a few drops in your ear and rub the neck in a circular motion, behind the ear. Repeat several times a day until symptoms improve.

All About Tulsi/Sacred Basil (UFHA Herb Series)

All About Tulsi. Urban Family Homestead and Apothecary

Tuli, or Sacred Basil, has to be one of my absolute favorite herbs to grow. The benefits are numerous and the fragrance is strong. This herb was a new one for me last year and I have never loved an herb as much as I love Tulsi.

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a perennial herb that is considered sacred in Hinduism. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The plant can grow up to two feet tall and has green, fragrant leaves and small, purple or white flowers. In Hinduism, Tulsi is revered as a goddess and is often planted in and around temples and homes. It is believed to have spiritual properties and is considered to be a purifying and protective plant.

All About Tulsi/Sacred Basil
All About Tulsi/Sacred Basil

Tulsi is also used in traditional medicine for its many health benefits. It is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and apoptogenic properties. It is commonly used to boost the immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote respiratory and digestive health. The leaves and seeds of the plant can be consumed fresh or dried, or made into a tea or supplement. In cultivation, two main varieties of Tulsi are grown: Rama Tulsi and Krishna Tulsi, which are distinguishable by their leaf color. The leaves of Rama Tulsi are green, while the leaves of Krishna Tulsi are purple.

Tulsi Medicinal Uses

Some of the medicinal uses of Tulsi include:

  1. Boosting the Immune System: Tulsi is believed to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to boost the immune system and protect against various infections and illnesses.
  2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Tulsi is considered to be an adaptogen, which means that it helps the body to adapt to stressors and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  3. Promoting Respiratory Health: Tulsi is commonly used to alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and the common cold. It is believed to help clear the lungs and improve breathing.
  4. Improving Digestive Health: Tulsi is believed to help reduce symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas. It may also help to improve the absorption of nutrients from food.
  5. Lowering Blood Sugar: Studies have suggested that Tulsi may help to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which may be beneficial for people with diabetes.
  6. Anti-cancer properties: Tulsi has also been found to have potential anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Summer Garden 2022 Tulsi Harvest
Summer Garden 2022 Tulsi Harvest

It’s important to note that while Tulsi is considered safe when consumed in moderate amounts, high doses or prolonged use may cause adverse effects, so please consult your naturopathic doctor before using it for medicinal purposes.

How to Take Tulsi

Tulsi can be consumed in various forms for its medicinal properties. My favorite way to take this beautiful herb is to consume it by making a tea. To make Tulsi tea, simply steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried Tulsi leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. You can also add honey or lemon for taste. In the summer you can add honey and then poor over ice. If you want an iced latte feel, you can add in your favorite plant milk to change it up! Another convenient way to take Tulsi is by consuming it in capsule form although, I don’t see this as often and I would only advise this way if you are really trying to treat a specific ailment with Tulsi. It’s important to note that the appropriate dosage and duration of use may vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated and once again, be sure to consult your naturopath!

A tincture or herbal extract of Tulsi is another way you can take this herb medicinally. You can take Tulsi tincture by adding it to a glass of water or directly under the tongue. If you need a quick way to have tea on the go, a tincture or extract is an excellent way to carry this herb as you can do 1-2 droppers full of the mixture to hot water and have instant Tulsi tea. A relaxing way you can use Tulsi oil, which is made by infusing Tulsi leaves in a carrier oil like coconut oil or sesame oil. You can use it as a massage oil or add a few drops to your bathwater. You can also consume Tulsi fresh or dried leaves, which can be added to salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor and health benefits.

Growing Tulsi

Anyone can easily grow Tulsi in zones 10-11 as a perennial or lowers zones as an annual. I am in zone 8 and can easily grow it here in the Pacific Northwest. Tulsi prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade. It should be planted in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Watering Tulsi regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged is really important to it flourishing. It also benefits from regular fertilization, especially during the growing season. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer or a fertilizer specifically formulated for herbs. I find that whenever I go to fertilize my tomatoes, which I frequently grow with Tulsi, that is sufficient enough to keep my Tulsi happy. Harvesting a Tulsi plant regularly will encourage bushier growth and promote the production of new leaves. If you want to be able to have Tulsi all summer long and a healthy amount during the off season. The more you harvest and dry, the larger your stock!

Beautiful Tulsi plants love the sun and warm weather!

Tulsi is relatively pest and disease-free, but watch out for common herb pests like aphids and whiteflies. Tulsi leaves can be harvested at any time, but the best time to harvest for maximum flavor and medicinal properties is just before the plant flowers. Even then, the flowers are beautiful, fragrant, and delicious. My favorite addition to the garden! Like the herbs previously mentioned here (echinacea) and here (peppermint) Tulsi does well when planted with other herbs like mint, rosemary, and thyme.


Apoptogenic Tulsi Tea by The Herbal Academy

1 cup water
1-2 Tbsp dried Tulsi (or handful of fresh leaves and flowers)

Bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and pour over the Tulsi in a heat-safe container. Allow the tea to steep, covered for about 15-20 minutes. Strain the plant matter from the tea and enjoy daily.

Seed Buying – The Importance of Purchasing Biodiverse Seeds

Seed Buying The Importance of Purchasing Biodiverse Seeds

Winter Solstice is over and it’s now a new year. Naturally you are excited about buying seeds in anticipation of the upcoming seed planting season. Like anything, it’s important to know where your seeds are coming from and how they affect your environment long term as well as how the company they come from, impacts our environment.

First…A Few Words About Seed Access

I want to preface this article with, every person should do the very best with what they have at the time. If all you can afford are packets from the dollar store or you aren’t sure where the seeds came from but they are free from a friend or neighbor, absolutely do this. At the end of the day, fed is best and doing your best is good enough. I think simply the act of growing your own food is one of the best things you can do for your health and to combat food insecurity, or even the threat of it, for your family. I want to convey this with the lens of understanding and compassion, as there is also truly no wrong or right way to grow food as long as it gets the job done. Again, fed is best and the best method after all, is a free method, which is to save your own seeds to use for future growing seasons. At the end of this article, I have included a Free Seed Project initiative that helps people access organic and healthy seeds to help combat food insecurity.

What is Biodiversity and Why is it Important?

You might be wondering what biodiversity is and why it is an important thing to consider. Biodiversity, in general, refers to the amount of diversity amongst plants and animals that are on this planet, or in any given area. Seed biodiversity specifically, refers to the variety and diversity within different seeds that we grow for food. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, we as humans rely globally on very, very few varieties of different plants to grow for food which means, there are literally thousands of different species of seeds that are now extinct.

Biodiverse seeds are seeds that come from a wide variety of plant species and varieties, rather than from a single, genetically uniform crop. Biodiversity in seed sources is important for resilience, genetic diversity, food security globally, nutrition, cultural heritage, and ecosystem services. Biodiverse seed sources are more resilient to environmental changes such as drought, pests, and diseases, as well as climate change. A diverse range of crop varieties increases the chances of at least some of them being able to thrive under different conditions. Biodiverse seed sources contain a wide range of genetic diversity, which can be used to breed new crop varieties that are better adapted to changing conditions.

Biodiverse seed sources provide a greater variety of crops, which can help to ensure food security. This is particularly important in regions where food supplies may be disrupted due to environmental or economic factors. They can also provide a wider range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which can help to ensure a balanced diet. Biodiverse seed sources can help to preserve traditional crop varieties that are an important part of a community’s cultural heritage, as well as help to promote biodiversity in the ecosystem, by providing habitats and food sources for a wide range of wildlife.

It’s important to note that the use of biodiverse seeds is a way to ensure food security and to preserve the genetic resources of the planet, it’s important to support farmers, seed banks, and organizations that work to conserve and promote biodiverse seeds.

Food biodiversity is important because, in short, it keeps our food system thriving. Food biodiversity, also known as crop biodiversity, is what make sure our food system will survive climate changes, our growing population, and all that follows dense population within cities. When we look at biodiversity in seeds, we often look to heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds are seeds that have been sown and saved over several, several generations and have survived the test of time. Heirloom seeds often have food varieties that look different than your typical grocery store produce. My favorite heirloom seeds to grow are tomatoes. They are often shaped oddly and have a plethora of vibrant colors and robust flavors. Additionally, heirloom varieties have not been cross bred (hybrid seeds) with other seeds and most often tout of their dense nutritional value.

Biodiverse Seed Companies

If you have the few extra dollars and you have the desire to buy seeds from a company that puts good out into the world, I would encourage research into the companies that are focused on Open Pollination and Biodiversity in their seeds. You can start small with just purchasing a few packets at a time and trade extras with neighbors. Purchasing seeds that are open pollinated and from your area of the world is a great place to start. I live in Pacific Northwest and enjoy purchasing from Adaptive Seeds, as they are from Oregon and their main focus is selling seeds that are open domain, open pollinated, and transparency about the origins of their seeds. They offer many heirloom verities that are adapted to my area but they are not the only ones that offer that in other area of the United States. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds is another great source for heirloom, open pollinated seeds and are headquartered in Missouri.

Adaptive Seeds
Adaptive Seeds

Free Seed Project

I wanted to close this with giving information to those that can benefit from accessing free resources for seeds and sustainability in growing your own food. Many communities across the United States offer seed exchanges within their local area. There is also another resource called the The Free Seed Project by Rob Greenfield. They focus on people that would not otherwise be able to afford seeds, to people that garden for their community and share food with people that have low to no access to healthy foods, to first time gardeners, and those that use them for educational purposes. They have served many communities in all 50 states and focus on organic food and self-sufficiency to help combat food insecurity. You can read more about Rob Greenfield and his Free Seed Project initiative here.

Click on the picture to check out The Freed Seed Project.

All About Peppermint (UFHA Herb Series)

All about peppermint. Urban Family Homestead and Apothecary

Welcome to week 2 of our weekly herbal education series. Peppermint is a perennial herb in the mint family, characterized by its square stem and its strong, distinctive minty aroma. The leaves of the peppermint plant are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It is native to Europe and has been naturalized in many other regions around the world. The plant can grow up to three feet tall and produces small, purple or white flowers. Peppermint is commonly used as a flavoring for food and drinks, as well as in toothpaste, mouthwash, and other personal care products. It is also used in aromatherapy for its refreshing scent and is believed to have several health benefits, such as relieving symptoms of indigestion and reducing headaches.

Peppermint, also known as mentha piperita, will thrive in zones 3-11 in some part of the year or another outside and has beautiful rich green leaves with a pungent smell. Peppermint plants also come in a lot of different ‘flavors’ at farmers markets such as orange peppermint, strawberry peppermint, and even chocolate peppermint, to name just a few!

All About Peppermint (UFHA Herb Series)
All About Peppermint (UFHA Herb Series)

Peppermint Medicinal Uses

Peppermint is a very popular herb to use medicinally because not only is it easy to grow and maintain, it’s easy to find and use in a variety of different ways. Peppermint in tea form is popular and effective for heartburn, stomach aches, and nausea. It is generally regarded as safe for most people on most medications (but as always, before taking any herb consult your naturopath on the method and dosage right for your body). In my house, peppermint tea is a tummy calmer and used during colds and other respiratory illnesses. I also enjoy using peppermint tea for a fever reducer, especially over ice with a bit of plant milk or honey (or both!) It’s also a great way to keep you cool in the summer when the sun is blazing outside.

Fun fact: you can also give crushed up peppermint leaves alone, in water, or in ice cubes to your chickens to help keep them cool in the hot summer, as a tasty treat.

How to Take Peppermint

There are several ways to take peppermint. Earlier I mentioned it as a tea but there are other fantastic modalities for taking peppermint. It can be used in essential oil form for body products such as body and lip scrubs, or even in your cleaning solutions. They are wonderful paired with orange and fir essential oil for a winter/holiday vibe in your candles and wax melts. It can also be tinctured and extracted to use on the go and for longevity. If you are partial to honey, many people like to put fun mints such as chocolate or orange mint into their honey as a way to flavor their honey for tea! Peppermint is an anti-inflammatory herb and can even be used as a tonic for irritated and inflamed skin, especially one that is warm to the touch. It can even be beneficial for those pesky headaches that like to pop up out of no where. The ways you can take peppermint really are endless!

Peppermint tea can be made using fresh or dried leaves.
Peppermint tea can be made using fresh or dried leaves.

As with most herbs, it is not suggested to take it every single day on a medicinal usage level. While I use it nightly after dinner as I have a very sensitive stomach and it is a huge help, using it in higher medicinal concentrations such as with an extract or tincture should be reserved for treating ailments as they come, not as a preventative treatment. Again, always follow the advise of your naturopath!

Growing Peppermint

Peppermint can be grown from small starts or propagated from another peppermint plant. It does enjoy yearly fertilizer to help with the growth and health of the plant. It grows throughout the year in varying zones, with reaching maturity in about 90 days. In spring it is best in zones 3-7, in spring through summer it is best in zones 8-10a, and in the spring through fall season it does well in zone 10a, and in zone 11 it will grow year round outside. It is a very hardy plant! They take easily to being transplanted and do as well in the hot, west facing sun as the cooler, shady parts of your yard. Peppermint will grow up to 2 feet tall if you keep up on watering and fertilizing it and is a wonderful pollinator plant.

Dried peppermint leaves stored in a mason jar.
Dried peppermint leaves stored in a mason jar.

The more you clip the leaves and stems back, the more it will grow. Once you see it growing in your container or garden bed, you can begin to harvest often. I find it only takes 4-7 days before it’s ready to harvest again. If you do grow it in the ground or the garden beds, be sure to harvest often as it can become invasive and take over your garden bed. In addition to being a helpful plant for pollinators, it is also a great companion plant for your vegetable garden. Peppermint will deter mice, deer, and rabbits from getting into your garden. You can even plant them at the base of fruit trees to discourage deer from stealing your fruit.

In order to have peppermint year round, you can harvest often and then dry out the leaves completely using a basket in the sun or a dehydrator on 95 degrees for 12 hours or so. You can then crush or save whole in a mason jar with a lid and it will be at your disposal all year long!

Cup of peppermint herbal tea.
Cup of peppermint herbal tea.


Last week I posted Rosemary Gladstar’s Echinacea Spray for Sore Throats here that you can also use peppermint in but I will give you an additional peppermint recipe I enjoy. This one is for healthy teeth and gums!

Peppermint Tooth Powder by The Homesteader’s Herbal Companion

1 cup baking soda
4-5 tbsp bentonite clay (or calcium carbonate)
1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt (or regular sea salt)
1 tbsp diatomaceous earth
15 drops peppermint essential oil

1. In a glass jar, combine baking soda, diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay (or calcium carbonate), and salt. Mix well.
2. Add essential oils and mix until completely combined.
3. Cap, label, and store in your bathroom until ready for the next batch.
4. To use,, simply dip your wet toothbrush into the mixture and brush as usual. There wont’ be any bubbles, but your mouth will naturally create a paste. Rinse mouth out well.

All About Echinacea Purpurea (UFHA Herb Series)

Echinacea Purpurea. Urban Family Homestead and Apothecary

This will be the first in my weekly herb series where I share an herb a week. You get to know all about the herb such as how to plant, where it’s found, what it looks like, and how to use it medicinally. My hope is that everyone reading this will become more comfortable with herbs and gain insight into these diverse and useful plants.

Echinacea Purpurea, also known as coneflower, is a herbaceous perennial that is best grown in zones 3-8. While the exact shade can vary, the brilliant purply-pink one you see here, is my favorite and one you can see in my summer garden. Echinacea is grown for many reasons. Other than being a beautiful pollinator flower, the whole plant also has medicinal properties.

UFHA Herb Series

Echinacea Medicinal Uses

Echinacea can be used in many ways and all parts of the plant (root, leaves, flowers, seeds) can be utilized. Some uses people choose to use this herb include burns, eczema, support for certain kind of cancers, urinary tract infections, and skin wounds, to name a handful. The reason why is because echinacea is both an anti-inflammatory and immune support herb. Although many people like to take echinacea all throughout cold and flu season, it is actually best taken at the first onset of symptoms. In fact it’s recommended that you don’t take echinacea longer than 8 weeks without giving your body a break. Echinacea, being the effective herb that it is, can cause a few drug/health interactions so always consult your naturopath before taking it to make sure you are taking it safely (which you will see me repeat to you with every herb we dive into!).

How to Take Echinacea

I personally love to take echinacea in a tea or extract format with tea being my absolute favorite. I enjoy paring it with other herbs that compliment its effectiveness such as peppermint or tulsi. It’s also an esthetically pleasing herb with it’s rich green leaves and vibrant purple petals. You can also choose to take this herb by way of tincture (alcohol or vinegar base) or extract (glycerin). The glycerin is the one I keep at my home the most as it is kid friendly and gives a bit of sweet taste.

Dried Echinacea Flower Petals and Leaves from Summer 2022 Harvest.
Dried Echinacea Flower Petals and Leaves from Summer 2022 Harvest.

Growing Echinacea

Echinacea is available to grow in Zones 3-8. It’s a hardy herbaceous perennial which means that it will die back in the winter and come back in the spring and summer. Once you have your echinacea plant established, you will be able to reap her rewards each year. This herb will thrive in full sun to partial shade and will tolerate a dry to moderate amount of water. I live in the Pacific NW and we get a lot of rain in the spring and sometimes in the summer and mine have been just fine. It has also survived scorching record breaking temperatures and some really chilly nights. You can grow echinacea from start or seed. I grew mine from seeds in a greenhouse and then in a pot. The following year I plopped her right into the ground on the west facing side of my house and she thrived. If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, this one is winner!

Echinacea Purpurea
Echinacea Purpurea


I will drop a favorite throat spray recipe by Rosemary Gladstar below:

Echinacea Spray for Sore Throats by Rosemary Gladstar
This spray is cooling, refreshing, and healing for sore and/or infected throats.

1/4 cup echinacea tincture
1/8 cup vegetable glycerin or honey
1/8 cup water
1-2 drops peppermint essential oil

To Make:
Mix together the echinacea tincture, glycerin, and water. Add the peppermint essential oil drop by drop until the spray has the right flavor for your taste. Pour into a spritzer bottle.

To Use:
Spray directly into the back of the mouth, toward the throat, once every half hour or as often as needed.

Make sure you check out my other posts such as Stocking a Home Apothecary for Beginners!